Brand Acceleration Tour|KITO Named High-speed Railway Debuts Ceremoniously

Brand Acceleration Tour|KITO Named High-speed Railway Debuts Ceremoniously

Brand Acceleration Tour|KITO Named High-speed Railway Debuts Ceremoniously
  April 28, 11:45 am, the high-speed train named by KITO takes Guangzhou South Railway Station as its hub and officially sets out for China. With the speed of China, sending out brand new strong voice, the concept of KITO - displaying the texture of life will continue to resound throughout the country.
  At 11:50 a.m., the departure ceremony of KITO named high-speed train was held at Guangzhou South Railway Station. Ms. Yu Ping, the Vice General Sale Manager of The Fifth Business Division in Guangzhou Center of China Railway Media Group Co., Ltd.and Mr. Hou Bo, the Vice General Manager and General Manager of Ceramic Tiles Division of KITO group with other leaders attended the departure ceremony and cut the ribbon for KITO named high-speed railway.

  This is the second launch of KITO named train after June 23,2020. One longitudinal and one horizontal main line radiates,1000 sets of trains reach North China, Central China, South China, East and Northwest China, deeply covering 655 million audience. The time covers the peak season comprehensively, and the increase in value elongates the biaxial influence of the brand market throughout the year
  Over the past 18 years, KITO has been adhering to the mission of “We enable economic growth through innovative, aesthetically-appealing and sustainable product’s development, and we consistently provide solutions that support communities and protect the planet.”. KITO continues to create high-quality, warm,  high-end texture products in line with the international trend for Chinese people, which has been highly recognized by the industry and the market, and wins deep public praise. The all-media communication of high-speed railway will lead the textured life mode to all parts of the country, so that the textured and more high-end brand slogan can be effectively delivered to every passenger and touch the hearts of every customer.
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